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Not directly related to startup investing in any way. That said, it has a fascinating concept of a world tour exploring the themes of happiness and national cultures interpretation of this. Makes me wonder what a "Geography of Entrepreneurship" would look like. In addition, in the 2020's, 1) is there a golden age taking place somewhere? 2) if so, what is the golden age centered around, 3) how do we find it?
- Netherlands: Happiness is a Number
- Switzerland: Happiness is Boredom
- Bhutan: Happiness is a Policy
- Qatar: Happiness is a Winning Lottery Ticket
- Iceland: Happiness is a Failure
- Moldova: Happiness is Somewhere Else
- Thailand: Happiness is Not Thinking
- Great Britain: Happiness is a Work-In-Progress
- India: Happiness is a Contradiction
- United States: Happiness is Home
- East Asian Happiness gap
- Maybe philosophers are unhappy because most of the time they're lonely brooding pasty skinned white guys who wrote philosophy

- Happiness and Democracy Studies (Ronald Inglehart):
- East Asian Happiness Gap:
- Alpha blondie coffee shop in Rotterdam
- Each year more people go to zoos in Switerzland than all events combined
- The concept of "homesickness" comes from Switzerland, where passports don't have place of birth but have ancestral homeland
- The Swiss are wealthy and patient which is a rare combination
- "Rich people in the West have not touched fresh bodies and wounds"
- After $15k a year, link between economic growth and happiness is disconnected
- Travel comes from the trevail
- 90% of Bhutanese who study abroad return to Bhutan afterwards
- "Lama Licker"
- Chinese say that goal is to be a good ancestor
- Flanders Netherlands is where the first lottery was held
- Happiness and luck are etymologically from the same word
- Bracketed indulgence is a popular characteristic of the Icelandics
- Iceland loves its writers
- Free food is a big deal because very expensive
- Icelandic everyone is related. Has impacts. For example, America tolerates high unemployment (5-6%) and low inflation (1-2%.) These allowances are flipped in Iceland. Because everyone is literally family, they accept greater collective pain (inflation) versus greater individual pain (unemployment.)
- Culture in Iceland is being invented
- Icelandic like Chinese "I learned Icelandic in order to learn how to think"
- Odin is god of verse and violence
- "Misery expressed is misery reduced"
- Denmark and Sweden have more population than Iceland but less creative
- "The land itself is a source of creativity and volcano changes"
- People talk about energy
- Swiss suppress envy by hiding things, Iceland suppressed envy by sharing them
- "Compete" used to etymologically mean to "seek with"
- "Failure doesn't carry a stigma in Iceland—in a way we admire failures"
- A pinch of self delusion is good for happiness
- Crap in art does the same thing as in agriculture, it's fertilizer for the good stuff, but you can't have one without the other.
- Iceland superstitions between "knowing and not knowing", very Chinese
- Joseph Campbell met the leader of the Heathens
- "Vikings didn't plunder/raid any more than others, Irish settlers just wanted to discredit Vikings"
- Middle-wise
- Iceland Airways employed a Stopover Iceland policy as a way to promote tourism
- "Gone Native", Hedonic refugees
- Rogner is a happy artist
- Happiness and unhappiness two different coins so you can have both at the same time (rather than alternating)
- Boredom and happiness are all choices
- Moldovan culture is essentially Romanian. Became a democracy but not happy.
- Ronald Inglehart: culture is trust and tolerance, internal and external trust
- "Substituting real values with money values"
- Powerlessness kills happiness more than anything
- Weiner prefers ersatz politeness to genuine rudeness
- Solid identities are important
- Seeing Moldovan unhappiness did not make Weiner happier (e.g. no "relative unhappiness")
- "Not our problem" is not a philosophy, quality of a society is more important than one's place in society
- Thai dating customs: method, motive, opportunity, sexpats,
- Thai permissiveness vs. Dutch permissiveness
- "You're too serious, don't think too much"
Great Britain
- Diversity is not necessarily helpful for happiness
- Town of Slough, where the BBC did 50 person Slough happiness studies
- "You come home because this is where you live"
- There are toothpaste people and toilet paper people
- India makes foreign cultures subsume to them
- Bangalore is India's SV, and used to be the garden city before IT took over
- Happiness is a U shape in life
- Koshi's Bangalore
United States
- Paradise is only talked about when something is lost
- Miami and those who move there, Weiner now lives there
- "Where do you want to die?" is the place that really identifies home
- Summary of happiness end of book
- N/A
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