Deal Abstract

10 Units Shirley MA
10 Units Shirley MA - 4 Davis Street, Shirley, MA

Ten unit multifamily building in Shirley, MA looking for value add to section 8 rental. An unusual location in the Boston metro area. What prop mgmt and renovation is required for this property to be a good investment?

Part 1. The Basics

Question Notes
1. Property Name: 4 Davis
2. Property Full Address: 4 Davis St, Shirley MA, 01464
3. Property Listing URL:
4. Property Year Built: 1885
5. Property Number of Units/Doors: 10

Part 2. Quantitative, Numbers, and Financials ("Sow Passion, Not easy mediocrity", or S2 P6 N18)

Criteria Amount/Comment
1. Link to Underwriting Google Sheet: UNDERWRITING COMMENT
2. Asking Price: $2600000: PRICE COMMENT
3. FFEIC Median Income: $112974: INCOME COMMENT
4. Last Year's Annual Rent: $252756: RENT COMMENT
5. Last Year's Annual Expense: $-62047: EXPENSE COMMENT
6. Last Year's Net Operating Income (NOI): $183126: NOI COMMENT
7. 5 Year Internal Rate of Return (IRR): ****: IRR COMMENT
8. Yearly Cash on Cash (CoC) Rate of Return: ****: COC COMMENT
9. Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR): ****: DSCR COMMENT

Part 3. Qualitative, Pre-Mortem, and Investor Fit (Every Time Man Profits, Don't Dismiss Serendipity)

Question Score Notes
1. Why is the seller now? TIMING SCORE
2. Am I the right buyer for this deal? FIT SCORE 1. Based in MA, close to home, 2. Solid 10 unit building, though the price per door is not cheap, 3. Solid incomes in the neighborhood
3. What has to go right for this deal to work out? Right Rating
4. People?
5. Distribution?
6. Durability?
7. Secret?

What has to go right for the startup to return money on investment:

1. Value add to command market rents, 2. Keeping OPEX in check, 3. Good management in that part of MA

What the Risks Are

1. Expensive, high rents already, not sure of room to grow; 2. Unclear investment thesis for this part of town; 3. Old buildings are high opex/maintenance costs

Bonus Muhan's Notes

Excited to do the UW spreadsheet and see what's good


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